The St. Henry De Osso Family Project, a sponsored ministry of the Teresian Sisters, affirms the power and worth inherent in every human being. Dedicated staff members, volunteers, and community partners empower families and individuals to discover and achieve their own potential by promoting wellness and holistic growth through family-based tutoring, parenting classes, physical activity, and emotional and spiritual development.
St. Henry de Osso lived in Spain in the 1800’s. He had a deep and sincere love for God and for His people. He believed that the family is the foundation of society and that parents are the back bone of the family. St. Henry asserted that if we focus on parents with their children, the whole family and society benefits.
In 1993, Sr. Hortensia Coloma, STJ, put St. Henry’s philosophy to
work in Uvalde, Texas. At first she focused only on Adult Literacy,
but in working with parents she learned that they were mostly
concerned with knowing how to help their children succeed in
school. Thus was born the St. Henry de Osso Family Project home-based family tutoring program. As tutors worked with children in their
homes, they experienced first hand the struggles and obstacles many marginal families in our society face today.
We learned that to truly empower families, our vision must address three main areas in their lives: education, counseling, and spiritual formation. Today, 25 years after our humble inception, the St. Henry de Osso Family Project continues to survive on the generous support of the community.

​Dr. Steve Garza: President
Jan Elliott, Vice President
Sr. Gina Geraci, STJ: Secretary
Jan Elliott
Gabe Gonzales
Jacklyn Gonzales
Elvira Manry
June Ybarra
Honorary Board Members:
John Harrell
Melissa Garrett
Don Smith
Sr. Hortensia Coloma, STJ
E-mail: hcolomastj@aol.com
​Sr. Dolores Aviles, STJ
Youth/Tutor Program Coordinator
E-mail: avileshdo@yahoo.com
Donna Ede
Adm. Assistant/Accountant
E-mail: hofpdonna@hotmail.com
Susan Trevino
Public Relations
E-mail: shdofp@hotmail.com
© 2013 by St. Henry De Osso Family Project. All rights reserved.